Friday, November 6, 2009

It is thymic rebound!!

We had great news today, the Consultant told Mari that there was no sign of lymphoma and all the tissue from the biopsy was thymic...that means Mari is a cancer free zone and can start planning her life again.

She, as we all are, are still coming to terms with everything. It was in June that a well-meaning Doctor told her that ' we can not promise to bring you through this' and promised really harsh chemo treatment and now, five months later she has no cancer! Quite a turn around for which we are so grateful. As a result of the way Mari has responded to the PET scans, which is still a relatively new technology, the Drs in Bristol are now saying that they will routinely biopsy people whose PET scan shows positive in their thymic area.

It is sobering to think that if Mari had not insisted on alternative treatment, she would be in the middle of a stem cell transplant regime!

She is also recovering from her surgery last week, a bit sore still but the news today makes that worthwhile. Before her surgery, her notes said that she should have an excision which is major surgery cutting her breast bone and would have had a very large scar. When we questioned this, we were told it was a typo and should have been an incision which is less severe and traumatic. They apologised for the typing mistake and also for the wrong diagnosis.

Mari has been signed off for a few more weeks till she is fully over the surgery so will be looking to relocate back to London after Christmas.

We have been incredibly grateful to all of you who have supported us, prayed for Mari, send blogs, cards, love and best wishes. It would have been a far more difficult journey without your help.
With all our love and our deepest gratitude. xx