Monday, June 9, 2008

The week ahead...

Thanks for your encouraging messages. I am a bit under the weather today ( my white blood cells are at their lowest). My hair has started falling out which is quite distressing ( and annoying - gets quite messy and keeps falling in my eyes and mouth etc...) Some days it is hard to imagine life post cancer and post chemotherapy so I'd say one of the biggest challenges is the mental struggle.
Back in to hospital on Thursday ( for blood tests) and friday for more chemotherapy.
Thanks again for your continued prayers! Much love xx Mari


wheat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wheat said...

hi mari i accidently posted my comment to the front page of your blog!!! it was my second attempt!!! itis good for me to persevere. this is what i said.

dear mari did i ever tell you that you are wonderful? mari you are WONDERFUL! i am praying for you and i will sing for you today. i am always pleased to hear from you because it is good to walk this road together. "i will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that i am the lord who calls you by name." isaiah 45v3 i think of you often and your whole family are remembered before jesus the great high priest. with love as always jan from brightonxxx

Jenny White said...

Dearest Mari

Just checking up on you!! Sorry to hear that you are not feeling so great. Stay strong and remember that we are all thinking of you. I was amazed by your email the other night. You are so selfless thinking of others when you have so much to deal with yourself.
Will be down to see Luce in the next few week so if you feel up to it I would love to see you. Will let you know dates nearer the time.

Much Love & Strength

Linda Wilson said...

Hi Mari, sorry to hear that you aren't feeling too well but I guess some days are bound to be better than others... may you have grace for each day, whatever it brings... and may you know Jesus with you each day. As you step out of the boat, as it were, into each day, however scary or difficult it seems, I pray that Jesus will be there to hold you up. And one day it will be the last day of your treatment... much love, Linda

PS Poppy and Mango send their love again too. They think this weather is too hot and lie around looking pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mari,
No easy answers, but wish this wasn't such a horrible process for you. I'm praying for God's peace to bypass the mental struggles and disarm the fear.
Sarah O x

melissa-jade gregan said...

Hello lovely Mari Day,
So sorry that you are going through this. We are praying that God will show you his ability to give you strength and joy through all this, among other things of course!

Love you heaps and wish we could be there (even Ronaldo does).


sandy f said...

Hello Mariday
I am sitting at my desk at Insight and looking at the paua angel christmas decoration that you gave me once and I am thinking about you and praying that large angels will be surrounding you and lifting you up on strong arms when you feel weak.
Much much love to you, my friend. When you come back to NZ I am taking you out for a pie!!!

Laine said...

Hello sweet Mari,

My heart so went out to you when I read your post. It's hard to understand why you have to walk down this road, but you have been such an amazing example of leaning into the grace of God. His strengh is all around you... lots of loving arms and lots of prayers! I'm sorry about your lovely hair..but it will be back in all of its glory!! Isn't it a sign that the chemo is working? That's a good thing. We love you and Dave and Rhi so much. Our prayers will always continue.

Laine and Kent

Anonymous said...

Hi Mari
I don't know if you will remember me, my name is Isla and we met briefly quite a few years ago when I worked with your mum (who is a star). I had a little girl 6 weeks ago, and she is such a precious gift, just like you are to your family, so I just wanted to let you and your mum know that I am praying for you both. I only just heard you were ill, and have been catching up on your journey on your blog. Well done you for your courage and bright spirit. I'm praying God gives you strength, hope and rays of sunshine each day. Lots of love and my continued prayers, Isla x

Katie Hayden said...

Hi Mari.
Babe I can only imagine the mental struggle you are going through, along with the trauma of losing your hair.
I know there have been people that have gone before you, and have got through the other side of this. You are strong Mari. I know you are. You are a fighter. I don't doubt that for a minute. I believe in you and hope that knowing others have gone before you gives you hope. May God continue to wrap you in His love and light and warmth. I pray and breathe life to your body!

Love kt

Anonymous said...

Hi Mari

I keep thinking about you - the distress of losing your hair and what it must take to manage mentally and emotionally - no doubt losing hope will happen at times and I keep praying that at those times out hope from afar might carry you.

Will be thinking of you tomorrow as you head into another treatment of chemo -I think you are so courageous.

Heaps of love to you and Phil and your Mum and Dad.

Jan, Ella, Gracie, Tom and Luke

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mari another spelling error! mean't to say 'our' not 'out' hope from afar.

Just realised I could probably spell check it before I post it!


Unknown said...

Dear Mari,
Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling the best under the circumstances. Will continue to pray for you and that God will surround you with his strength and peace in your body.

Regarding your hair, praying that God will make the enemy pay back seven times what he has robbed, hmm...wonder how that would relate with hair..."seven times your hair"...will continue to pray anyway! :-)

Lots of prayers and tons of love.
You are continually in our thoughts.
Debbie & Johan

wheat said...

hey mari you are still WONDERFUL . i can't find words to tell you what i really think but my prayers are for you. we have a prayer meeting tonight and we will lift you up. he is your redeemer. lots of love to you all, jan from jan in brightonxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

ahh mari...i cant even begin to imagine how that must distressing and weird. I am so sorry that this is happening to you. I will pray like mental of course, hopefully i'll see you soon and you'll be feeling a lot better. Thinking of you lots, today (i think god was giving me some 'subtle' reminders) i saw the jean paul gautier perfume, which i think you used to wear??? and thought of you, and also found this random poem i'd stuck in my old diary which you wrote for me.
anyway, lots of love xxx
Oh and i (not being someone prone to compliments) think you look beautiful whenever i see you, and i don't mean that in the 'christian way' x

Unknown said...

Mari..I love you soo much and am praying for you.

I believe in you and i trust God that you are going to come through this and have miracles and stories to tell for generations.

Keep fighting, Keep believing, Keep trusting for God, In God and with God.

Mary said...

Continuing prayer for you all, dear girl...

Love from Mary, Terry, Abbie and Matt Wood

Anonymous said...

lovin mari day!xxx

hope u have a better time this weekend after your treatment xxxxxxxx

love megan

Gill and Andrew said...

Hi Mari,
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hope this week is better after your chemo. So sorry to hear your lovely hair is falling out but you'll still be the same you.
Gill and I have just come back from 7 days in bonny Scotland. Never been to the Highlands before. The scenery was awesome, even the weather was good.
Praying God will encourage and strengthen you.
Andy and Gill