Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Coming Home.... Monday night

After being told by Drs this morning that she would have to stay in all week, Mari was told this afternoon that if she has two more lots of intravenous antibiotics she could have chemo tomorrow and either stay in over night and just go down the corridor for chemo or come home late tonight and go back in in the morning. Guess which Mari opted for! She wants a bath and good sleep.

The good news is that her blood count is up and the infection levelling out. The haematologist consultant told Mari that they are more concerned in the long run about her tumour than the infection. So they want to continue chemo. Tomorrow seems a bit soon but Mari understands the need for it.

Thank you for all your prayers. Please pray that Mari will cope with the chemo, the infection will completely go and that her white cells will build up more quickly after tomorrows treatment. She does not want to go through the last couple of weeks again!

God bless
With love
The Days and Phil


Anonymous said...

hey thats good to hear your feling better!!!!!!!!!!
the sun is shining in greece having an interesting time - could do with some more work as feel like im not doin enough - but hey its nice to just spend time on beach !

look forward to seeing u soon , really happy u r on the mend - tonnes of love from meganxxxxxxxxx

Rachel F said...

Great to hear you're back home in your own bed! Praying that your body will be strong for tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

That's GREAT news! There's no place like home to really feel rested. Hope you get a good nights' sleep xxx

Unknown said...

Dear Mari,
Glad you are able to get back to your own bed! Will keep tomorrow in our prayers. God is with you thru the journey.

Tons of huggs and prayers,
Debbie & Johan

L0uisa said...

Better news! Glad to hear you get some down time at home for a bit, have been praying for you with my sister in London
Lots of Love Mari x
From Louisa

Shalome said...

Hope you're all sleeping well right now. We've got a stunner of a day that is spoiled only by being at work! All the best for tomorrow and for the next few days of recovery. There's a LinkNZ conference starting on Thurs night so H and I are going to half each. Looking forward to it! Will pray that tomorrow is just another day trip to the hospital...
xx S

Pete said...

I'm so glad you could sleep at home last night! Will be praying for you today - that the chemo would do it's job and fight the cancer, but still allow your body to fight the infection. I hope being home allows for more sleep and rest and that you continue to feel yourself gaining strength each day.

Sending lots of love and big hugs, looking forward to seeing you (it's been way too long!).


Lindsay x

wheat said...

dear day family thanks for update.
i will be praying for you as the next round of chemo is due.you are doing really well.you are on our minds so much.
love from jan in btn xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Mari, Dave, Rhi and Phil

I am so pleased to hear that the infection is clearing and your blood count is up Mari.

Will be thinking of you this NZ evening as you head in for chemo today - really praying that you wont suffer like this last time.

Take Care

lot of love


Anonymous said...

So good to read your homeward bound hun... a bath and bed sound's like a mighty good option after the weeks you've had.

I have this week off work, and start my new job with an Ad agency in Parnell next week. Faith turned 6 on the weekend, so we had a child invasion (party) on Saturday morning - face painting, pinatas, musical statues and mini hot dogs galore - you would so have of been in your element!
Lots of love, hugs and kisses xxxooo gr

Unknown said...

There's nothing like your own bed ey? I hope you got a fantastic nights sleep. Good news that the blood count is up - thank you God! I will continue to call forth those white blood cells and pray that you are not left feeling too grotty after today's chemo. With much love, Lisa XXXXXXXX

Mary said...

Great to read this news.

Love from Mary, Terry, Abbie and Matt Wood