Sunday, August 31, 2008

A better night

Mari wanted us to thank you for all the prayers and love shown to her. She had a better night last night and feels she has turned the corner. For the first night since February, she did not wake with drenching night sweats. Her blood and oxygen levels have increased which is encouraging too. She is still coughing badly but that too seems a bit easier than it has been.

She is hoping that if this continues she can come home in a day or two and have a few days in her own bed before the next Chemo session.

We as a family join with Mari in thanking you all again for your prayers.

With love

The Days


Anonymous said...

Great to hear. We will all continue praying...

Jenny White said...

Dearest Mari

Have been thinking of you lots. I have sent a card which you should get any day now. So pleased to here that you are feeling brighter. Stay strong & hope to see you later in the month

Much love
Jen & Mark

caroline said...

So glad you're feeling stronger, Mari...what a relief it must have been for you to have had a better sleep.

I hope you get to relax at home for a few days.

Love Caroline

Raewyn Winny said...

So good to log on and read this encouraging glad you had a better night and are feeling you have turned a corner. Katie put a special "message of hope" on the Mr Roskill Grammar tree on Friday before it was planted.
Sending you heaps of love as always!
The Winnys x 4 XXXX

Unknown said...

Dear Mari,
THANK YOU JESUS, a miracle we have all been waiting and praying for! Praying that you will experience many such small and big miracles, all because of Jesus' love for you. We love you and continue to pray for you and for your total recovery and wholeness - which is Gods will for you.

Huggs to you all,
Debbie and Johan

Judith Grobelny said...

It is wonderful to read of this progress, so will go to bed really thanking God and asking that the change will be permanent and increase.
Continuing to pray for all of you, and believing God to strengthen and give you all His grace for this time.
Much love,
Judith XX
p.s. Mari, 3 Merivale ladies were at church today - YEEEEAH!!

Unknown said...

I don't know whether to smile or cry with joy that things have turned a corner. Praise God, I am praying that this will be a pivotal moment in your treatment Mari - that God will turn this on it's head, and that a line will be drawn under what you have just come through, so that it is a place you will not return. Will continue to pray you can go home very soon and have your first proper nights sleep without interruptions! Well done you for hanging in there, I can't of anyone else I know right now who is being 'more than a conqueror' in their situation than you. Rhi, Dave and Phil, I imagine this has been a very trying time for you also, and hope you can all get some rest soon along with Mari. With love and much faith for EVEN better times around this corner you have just turned. Lisa XX

tina. said...

such great news! Sorry i haven't given you an update yet on yesterday but it was great and I will write you all about it soon!!!

I'm so pleased you were able to sleep better and will pray for the improvements to remain and continue to improve...
lots of love.

wheat said...

dear mari phil dave and rhi
thankyou for updating the blog.
it is so so so good to hear your news.
we all stood up together in our church meeting today to pray for you.
i will pass on the encouraging news to all at city gate and in liverpool who are praying for you.

i will continue to press into our father for your full recovery.
i will keep up the prayers for all of you.

how fabulous is He and how good you all are.
much love jan in btn xxx
p.s. i am so made up!!! xxx

Erin Lucas said...

This news has seriously made my day Miss Day!!! And as if to celebrate, it is sunny this morning (you know we have only has something like 12 days of sunshine in the past 3 months!) I saw Josh and Carey's twin boys at church yesterday. The are 5 months old now and sooo cute. I was remembering how you were having your first nights in the hospital here in Auckland when they were born. It's kind of strange to be able to track how long you have been diagnosed with cancer with the growth of babies... maybe it's a good reminder that there is life for you in this process... even when we can't see it. X

Rachel F said...

It's so good to hear that things are improving, Mari.

This morning in the children's meeting at the Grange we put your picture up on the wall and asked the kids to pray for you, then asked God to show them what to pray. Wish you could have seen these 20 4-to-11-year-olds, all writing prayers for you (or doing colourful things with felt tip pens if they were too young to write!)

Praying that you're soon home.
Love and God bless

Delphina said...

Big hugs all around! Thinking about you loads woman and missing you all the same. I have had to tell the Inspirational Mari Day story hundreads of times to my Vinnies..they keep asking after Citylights about the English Missionary named Mari who had the vision for Citylights..They are still buzzing out over the weekend. Was the bomb!! xoxoxo Del

Anonymous said...

Dear Mari,

That's fantastic news! We're thrilled to hear that the nights are getting easier for you. I hope and pray that today would continue to confirm your feeling of a corner being turned. Thinking of you loads! And sending you lots of love,

Linz (& Pete)xxx

Gill and Andrew said...

Hey Mari,
Good to hear your encouraging news. Hope you'll be able to go home soon. Lots of love to you all.
Andy and Gill

Anonymous said...

Hi Mari,
That last bit of news sounds really encouraging...thank you Lord!
We will keep praying and hoping for a complete corner turning time...hope you're in your own bed at home shortly!
Blessings, you're beautiful...hang in there!

Elliott and Linda

Tina said...

Father thank you for giving Mari a good nights sleep and without a night sweat, Please Father go on giving her nights like these so her body can have full recovery of this infection. Lord please restore her veins, so that nursing staff can avoid searching for others in awkward places of which gives a lot of discomfort, and go on giving her strength, to cope with the treatment, bring her back on track. Jesus be with all the family, giving them the assurrance they need to encourage Mari. Amen. Oceans of love to you all
Tina Perry