Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wednesday night

Thanks again for all the support, love and care being expressed. There has been some improvement today which is encouraging. Mari's white blood cell count has risen after the injection yesterday. She had another today and they will review how many injections she will need after blood tests tomorrow. The increased count will help fight the pneumonia as well as the antibiotics she is still on. Her temperature is being controlled well and her blood pressure is up a bit so that is good news.

Mari still is having trouble breathing without oxygen, especially when she has to move around. In order to prevent the threat of deep vein thrombosis, Mari has to try to move about a bit and do some light exercises but she finds that hard without oxygen and ends up coughing quite badly. Please pray for the pneumonia to ease!

She is finding sleep difficult, she sweats so much at night which keeps her awake, most nights her bed needs to be changed at least three times. Also there are many interruptions all through the night as the staff do their vital duties. Please pray for some more chance to sleep. Much as she loves seeing visitors, it can be tiring so please contact Dave or Rhi if you are wanting to visit.

Thanks again
With love

The Days and Phil


Unknown said...

Horay! Praise God for the white blood cell count rising - may they multiply rapidly again overnight I pray. I call you into being white blood cells in Jesus name! I can imagine how difficult it is to sleep with so many interruptions so will definately pray for sleep as understand how vital this is to the healing process. Much love. Lisa X

Anonymous said...

Will of course be praying for you and if there is anything I can do (apart from pray... and clean) then just let me know. Praying that God continues to carry you through this, and that you can feel Him doing it in obvious and amazing ways.
Lots of love, Katie.x

Unknown said...

Dear Mari,
Praise God, after much prayer and faith, finally some signs of improvement. Really sorry to hear about your sleeping problem, will continue to pray that God will give you His rest and sleep. Pray that angels will surround you throughout the night.

Love you tons and will continue to pray for you. You are so precious to God and to so many others, hang in there!

Debbie & Johan

Shalome said...

Hey M,
We love you.
x S