Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday Morning.. after a bad night

Thanks again for all the comments and prayers, as the NHS does not stretch to wireless connection, we have been able to print out all of the comments etc and take them in to Mari which is encourages her.

She did not have a good night last night, her blood pressure is very low, she drenches the bed with sweats and has had more rigors which are very unpleasant. Sleeping is never easy in hospital so with the rigors, frequent visits from staff to change drips etc she needs sleep so please pray that she will be able to get some sleep somehow.

Everytime her temperature rises above 38 C, the nurses have to take blood so it can be checked for infections. Chemo always has a detrimental affect on veins so it is becoming increasingly difficult for the staff to find a vein to get blood which makes it quite painful for Mari. Please pray too that the nurses will be able to locate veins more easily. Though up to this point, nothing has developed on the blood to show infection, she is so vulnerable to having one she has to be constantly tested.

Thanks again, we will continue to keep you posted

With love from the Days and Phil


wheat said...

dear dave rhi mari and phil
good morning.
i was grateful to read your update although i am so very sorry that this is such a rough time.
i will continue to pray for your situation.
i am bearing you all up to our God
i will press in to Him.
you are all so wonderful. please know that you are loved beyond measure.
with love from jan in brighton xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Mari
if it is possible for you to laugh right now I had a complete comedy moment with Isaac this weekend that I thought may make you chuckle... J is away with Dan & Zoe at Greenbelt so there's just me, Aimee and Isaac home. Saturday morning I'd been up and down for a few hours to Isaac and had got him up so he was playing on his computer, Aimee was watching TV and I was trying to have a lye in! I heard this little voice calling, 'Aimee get help!' I went downstairs to find Isaac had been trying to pinch a bag of crisps out of the cupboard and in the process had got his chair completely wedged between the wall and cupboard door making it impossible for him to move or for me to get in the kitchen! I had to lower Aimee out the lounge window by her arms, she got a chair by the window so I could climb out (in dressing gown!) and get into kitchen by back door. After may attempts at trying to move Isaac nothing was happening not budging an inch so I had to take the cupboard hinges off to release him! He says, 'it was totally humiliating!'Hilarious! At least he's trying to be independant!!
Much love to you Mari, sorry I haven't been in touch before Ruthx

Anonymous said...

sorry u r not sleeping how annoying 4 u - il pray u can sleep , i have tosay sleeping is wot i semm to excell in its waking up is my problem!

sending u a bundle more of love from meganxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

ugh and i made a big mistake buying issac stink bombs for his birthday!- he wanted a stink bomb making kit, the best i could come up with was stink bombs, i didnt intend for him to be letting them off at are house! he was letting them offf then trying to escape the scene of the crime un noticed!

ive told him to come up with some good jokes we can email u to cheer u up!xxxxxx megan

Gill and Andrew said...

Hi Mari, Dave, Rhi and Phil
Thought may be the sensible members of the family should send a message to compensate for our girls. We're really sorry to hear your news and pray that this difficult time will be over soon. We've just come back from Michelle Hunt's 40th birthday celebrations in Barnstaple. They all have wet suits, what cheats. Told them Zoe Edbrooke made us swim with bribing us with chocolate.
Its Rachel Clothier's brother's last day in England today - he and his family are off to live in Australia tomorrow. Southern hemisphere beware.
Lots of love, Andrew and Gill

Anonymous said...

Dave, Rhi, Mari
So sorry to hear things are so tough for you all. Please know we are praying for you, for the strength to endure this. I'm using Rom 8.35-39. Speak to you soon, Love Jerem and Lyn

Mary said...

Dear ones... so sorry things are so grim... praying for you now...

I can't think of anything particularly amusing to tell you - except perhaps the antics of our new pet rats. And before anyone goes "Ewwww, rats!" they make wonderful pets (clean, intelligent, affectionate) and no, we didn't drag them up out of a sewer!

We have four - very tiny, very lively - and they love to come out and run about on the sofa with us. They also love to dive about in our sleeves and down our tops. Just as well I'm not built like Dolly Parton - the poor things would never find their way out...

Unknown said...

Oh Mari, it saddens me deeply to hear you are in such pain, and discomfort. I am checking your blog every day and praying for you all the time. Yesterday I made up a prophetic song in the shower, it was a spontaneous one but went something like this…

The day of the Lord is coming!
He will have His way,
He is rising up an army
To fight for Mari Day

Come forth white blood cells
Immune system restored
I prophecy fresh strength to rise
The victory is yours

For yours is the victory
Yours is the victory,
Yours is the Victory
In Mari Day’s Life

Rise up new hope,
Rise up new faith,
Rise up new strength
In Mari Day’s heart

For yours is the victory
Yours is the victory,
Yours is the Victory
In Mari Day’s Life

Amen! Love you precious one. X