Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hospital tomorrow.

Mari has had a fairly rough week, the chemo knocked her pretty hard on Tuesday! Tomorrow she is going in to hospital at 11 am for CT scans. We will let you know how it goes and what the results are.
Thanks for your messages and thoughts.
With much Love.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mari,

Just met your parents and various Dunnes in Starbucks, where we had a surreal conversation about cheese, which was nice.

Sorry to hear this week has been so tough. We'll be praying for you about tomorrow and hoping for an encouraging outcome.

Lam.3:19-24 xx Sarah O

Unknown said...

Dear Mari,
Very sorry to hear that you have had a tough week. But praying and believing that this week will turn out better. Will keep you in our prayers regarding tomorrows hospital visit.

Take care dear one and hold on, we love you and you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Tons of love,
Debbie & Johan

Shalome said...

Hey pal,

The Lord will be very busy listening to all the prayers today so chins up. There will be good news today! Looking forward to hearing the outcome....x Shalome

PS. No wonder you're so tired if everyone's talking about cheese.

Raewyn Winny said...

Hi there Mari - It's now early Monday night here in NZ and I was thinking about your scan today - just wanted to send love and prayers for some GOOD and encouraging news to spur you on with all of the rough times you've had recently. Your last CT scan here must seem like a lifetime ago, being the hardened patient you are now!

Lots of love as always!


wheat said...

hello mari
just signing in to say hi and thanks for updating the blog. continuing to pray for you and the family.
you are all bearing up so are an inspiration.
with love from jan in brighton.