Saturday, August 30, 2008

Friday Night

Mari has been in hospital for a week now and is anxious to come home. The Drs are still unsure of where the infection is and so are giving a wide range of drugs to try to cover all the bases. If the fever stops, they might let her out early next week, if it doesn't, they will do a more invasive investigation which Mari does not relish in the slightest. When she woke up this morning, her temperature was 39.6 which is still very high. Please pray that will level out. Her blood count is up which will help her fight infection.

We have mentioned before about the problem finding veins for the lines to be put into Mari. They have to be changed every few days to avoid infection. Today, they had to use Mari's feet as all the veins in her arms and hands are not suitable. Every time they try to put a line in it causes much discomfort.

Thanks again for all your love and support, it means so much to us all.

God bless
With love
The Days and Phil


Unknown said...

Dear Mari, Dave and Rhi,

Thank you for the update, was anxious to read the news today. Glad that the blood count is up and better, praise God. Will continue to pray for the fever to drop down and for the vein situation. Believing also that Mari will get to go home soon. Continuing to remember you all in our prayers.

We love you all.
Debbie and Johan

wheat said...

dear day family
so glad you were able to update the blog.
i will ensure that we pray as a church on sunday as i will be back
in brighton for our meeting. this is such a gruelling time for you all. i so long for this to be better .i am calling out for grace and healing.
you are on my mind so much.
so many friends are walking with you.
you are all doing so well.
peace through the night xxx love as always jan in btn xxx

long for it to be better .

Anonymous said...

Hi Mari, Dave, Rhi and Phil

So appreciate all your updates. I feel heartbroken to think of you suffering so much.

Just want you to know that I am with you each day - spuring you on Mari to be able to cope and thinking of you Dave, Rhi and Phil alongside.

Much Love as Always


Kate Ball said...

Still praying for you beautiful girl! Praying also that you will know the lord's heart in all of this. Go to your Godspace (where is God for you now? Is he in front, behind you, beside you, beneath, inside, outside) because he is Jehovah Shammah, God is with you. Stay there because in that place there is peace, rest, healing and revelation. Love Kate Ball

Judith Grobelny said...

Hey Mari,
All at City Lights prayed for you today, together and also separately in the prayer room - hope you felt the love! :)
It was a good day and the news is going to come pouring your way - look what a great work you did in starting something that is just growing like topsy you amazing woman!
I so missed you and Rhi in the prayer room, but you would have loved the riot of colour we put in there this year.
Love, hugs, prayers and blessings
Judith XX

Mary said...

Sorry this is such an ordeal for you all.

(Second time I've attempted to post this, hope I'm not repeating myself...!)

Love and prayers,
Mary, Terry, Abbie and Matt Wood

Anonymous said...

hey miss mari

Always thinking of you and praying for you. You are brave and courageous. Keep up the good fight - you have a host of angels fighting with you as well as a host of kiwis!! We miss you and love you.