Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Some good and bad news.

Mari had chemotherapy today - her temperature has been really high over the past week and she reacted badly to one of the chemo drugs today. It left her shivering violently, so she was wrapped up in blankets and hot water bottles when we finally got to talk to the Doctor regarding the CT scan results.

The CT scan shows that the cancer is reducing, however it is still there! As a result they are going to extend Mari's treatment. She will have an additional 4 chemotherapy sessions! Mari feels really disheartened about this, especially because all the chemo side effects are getting progressively worse. This leaves another 8 treatments and it means Mari will (hopefully) have completed treatment by December 2008. The area of concern is the mass in her chest so please join with us in praying that this will go altogether and that after 8 more round of chemo, Mari will need no further treatment. The Doctor said she was not surprised it is still there because the "mass" was so large in the first place.

Mari is now at home recovering from her hospital visit, with another big bag of drugs ready to control all the unpleasant side effects. This phase of the journey is hard work and very tiring. Mari is still struggling to see light at the end of the tunnel most days.

Thanks for your prayers and faithful support.


wheat said...

dear day family
thankyou very much for the update.
please be assured of my determination to pray alongside you and others for the healing process to be completed soon.
i am really greived to hear about your ongoing battle . words seem so inadequate in expressing what is on my mind.

you are all really loved and treasured.

thinking about you all so much.

with love as always janxxx

Anonymous said...

Mari, Dave & Rhi,
I'm grateful for your updates and as you said, it would have been great to have had a better report. I'm glad the mass has reduced, but sorry that the treatments have to be extended. Rest assured, we'll keep praying and asking God for the miracle of his healing.
Mari, you are beautiful, hang in there and trust.


Elliott and Linda

Emma Duncan said...

I am so sorry that the chemo has to keep going, Mari. That sucks! I haven't forgotten about you and am praying as I go along and checking the blog regularly. It must be so hard to stay positive, but I know God is good all the time and I am praying that you know that in your heart and can hold on to His goodness, even when you feel like crap! Much love...xxxx

Unknown said...

Hey Mari

It sounds like your having to be so brave right now. Hang on in there, we're all right behind you and cheering for you!! Phil Walters

sandy f said...

Hi Mari
Your name is on my wall above my computer so that I can pray for you when ever I see it. My heart is praying for you and holding you up even when my mind is busy with other things.
Sending love .

Raewyn Winny said...

Hi Mari, Dave & Rhi,
We can only imagine how distressing it must have been to find out that the very chemo you are reacting to badly is to be extended!! This is some endurance road for you all. Will they review you again before embarking on the extra 4 sessions, or is that fixed now?

Wish we could visit to share a cuppa and moral support - know you will have lots of that with those around you, it's just tough being too far away to see you right now.

Prayng that the effects of this last chemo will dissipate quickly and you'll feel better in yourself so you can face the next treatments with calm.

Lots of love,

The Winnys x4 xxxx

Linda Wilson said...

Hi Mari & Co

Sorry to hear that you will need extra treatment, but pleased that it is reducing. Will be continuing to pray for you that the treatment will be effective and that you will find God's love surrounding you in the midst of the difficulties and grace to cope with it all. Linda xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Mari

Really sorry to hear about the effects of the chemo and the need for extra treatment. Pleased that the mass is reducing in size, but appreciate that the treatment seems never ending.

Lots and lots of love and keeping you in mind

Rich and Norma

Unknown said...

Dear Mari,

What can I say, only this that we feel so distressed that you're having to go thru this. But glad to know that the mass is responding to the treatment, but very sad that it needs to be extended. Praying for divine strength for you dear one. Will continue to pray for you.

Love you.

Debbie and Johan

Mary said...

So sorry the news is not more encouraging; we continue our prayers for you all.

Love from Mary, Terry, Abbie and Matt Wood

Delphina said...

Dear Mari,

I'm just sad hearing hoe you have to go through more treatment. It's alot to take in my dear friend. Just know that you have hundreds of little friends out here, thinking about ya, praying for ya and missing ya all the same.

love ya loads xxox Del

Anonymous said...


you poor thing!!! I am thinking of you and praying for you!!

hang in there beautiful!

God please heal Mari!
please help her body fight this and ease the side effects.. Please comfort her God, in Jesus' name. amen.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mari, Phil, Dave and Rhi

Thank you so much for updating us.

I am so pleased to hear the cancer is reducing but I so wish also that you didn't have to go through more treatments Mari - I really do.

When I think of you Mari, I think what incredible courage and endurance this must being taking.

Dave, Rhi and Phil I think too of how hard it must be to see Mari suffering so much.

Will keep you all in my heart


wheat said...

hi day family
just alittle note to send love and thoughts!!!

i was thinking of you as i had a little visit to a lovely house and garden, great dixter in east sussex. gardens can be so peaceful even in the rain. there was a lot of rain.!!!
you are on my mind so much of each
god bless you today.

all my love as always
jan from btn xxx

Katie said...
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Katie said...

Hey Mari & Co,
I'm praying for you.

"Certain thoughts are prayers. There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees."

- Victor Hugo

I know there are many people on their knees for you.

Katie Winny

Anonymous said...

roll on jan 09 mari xxxxxxxxxx
sendin u heaps of love dear friend
love meganx

Rachel F said...

Just sending you my love. Sorry it is such a battle for you at the moment. Hope this week is a better one for you. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
much love

Laine said...

Dearest Day family,

May God pour grace and strength on you in triple portion. We stand with you praying fervently and with immense love until this mass is totally gone! We are so sorry you must continue with the chemo but we will pray that it will do its job and that the side effects will not worsen. We love you so much. Laine and Kent

Unknown said...

Dear Mari and co

You are still in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sad to hear how tough things have been, but will continue to pray for healing, endurance and a sense of peace.

Love Josie