Thursday, November 27, 2008

Chemo tomorrow - number 15

Thanks for your messages.
Mari has chemo tomorrow at 10 am, this will be her second to last chemo! She has had her usual blood tests and injections this week, as well as a helpful session with the doctor, who was able to answer lots of her questions about life post chemo (and questions related to radiotherapy, incase Mari has to have it in the new year - though we are hoping not)!

We will let you know how tomorrow goes.
With love and thanks.


melissa-jade gregan said...

Hello darling One, Phil, Rhi and Dave! I cant believe this is number 15(ish...right??)!! But more importantly - the SECOND TO LAST!! Far out - you all inspire and amaze me. Mari, I love you heaps! I am so glad that this part of things is at its end. You can totally get through these last two!! You are strong, gracious, supported and loved! Our whole friendship you have inspired me - and it has only grown through this shit time! Heaps of love to you darling Mari!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Melissa xxxxxx

Judith Grobelny said...

What a wonderful thought - you can have it all over by Christmas, it will sure be something to celebrate!
Thinking about you lots and will be praying for tomorrow to go smoothly in every area, especially the veins etc.
Love, hugs, and amazed at how you have managed this time Mari.

Gill and Andrew said...

Good on you Mari. Keep plugging on.
Love from Andy and Gill

Unknown said...

The end is in sight! I have a picture of you standing in a very dark tunnel. You have come a long way, at first the light was but a speck in the distance but now, it shines brightly, and is just in front of you, it's so bright you have to cover your eyes. Over the next couple of weeks as your chemo comes to an end, and you prepare to leave that dark tunnel behind, my hope is that you don't just leave the cancer behind (although thats a good place to start!), but also all the emotional and psychological trauma, that comes for anyone going through something as difficult as this. Love you Mari Day, thinking and praying for you today. Lisa XX

Linda Wilson said...

Hi Mari

Hope all went well today, thinking of you and all the family.

Linda xx

Carole said...

God be with you as you reach the end of this course of treatment. Thinking of you again & praying that you will be completely healed.

Unknown said...

Dear Mari,
Thinking and praying for you, hope everything goes well today.

Lots of love,
Debbie & Johan

wheat said...

dear mari

hello!!so good to hear your update i have been praying for you this week and i will continue to do so.
i am so proud of you ....well done

really well done !!!

catch you later
love as always
jan in btn xxx