Thursday, April 3, 2008

No big news...

Mari is out of the hospital - resting and waiting for news from the doctors. It could take a week to hear the results from the surgery.

Please pray that Mari will be able to sleep well. Night time is always the hardest time - and sleep can be difficult.

Good News! - Mari's dad, Dave, arrives in New Zealand on Sunday morning.


liz said...

Hi Mari

Thinking of you! Glad yesterday's op went well. Hope you're recovering quickly. Go the drugs! Let me know if you're in need of some trashy mags to read!

Lots of love, Liz RobbMarkham xo

Mari's News said...

I've been thinking about you all day. I really miss you and I mumble little prayers for you constantly. I'll be praying that you sleep sweetly tonight dear friend.

Shalome said...

Thought I'd write a quick msg in between making up reasons why I should be given money to study genes involved in making plant oils. There - that should send you into a deep sleep. I'm yawning with excitement myself.
On the more fascinating front, Campbell started crawling yesterday and looks like a very slow prancing horse. He sends very wet, dribbly kisses to you all. Oh and Jack has finally stopped drinking the bubble solution. He is now stamping everything instead.
Great that Dave is arriving soon - something to look forward to!
Much love to you all
xx Shalome and co.

Chris and John Lucas said...

Snuggle up Mari in the comfort of a lovely comfy bed. And...I hope it is quiet and restful for you.I will be on the wonderful Auckland motorway praying for you while I hope you are sleeping.( I just had a picture of me on my knees in the middle lane of the motorway, my hands raised up to God in prayer for Mari)Well, if thats what it takes Mari, lets do it! I'll let youi know if God speaks! Love Chris

Nic Bradley said...

Hello Mari
Well done on the surgery. You are a very brave little lady. lots of love Nic xxxx

megan said...

o mari day your so brave xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx im off to dominican republic to morrow to build houses hmmmmmm!!!!!!!!! ( i hope i dont get callouses on my hands , not sure massaeuses with leathery calloused hands get much business!x)

take care, sending u heaps of love beautiful woman
il have to get issac to send u some jokes to cheer u on your way !- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx loving u lots

Unknown said...

Dear Mari...thinking of you in this time of waiting. I read this today and thought of you "He will rejoice over you. You will rest in his love; he will sing and be joyful about you." ZEPHANIAH 3:17. It is my prayer for you today and over the next few days that you will be able to 'rest in his love' as you wait for more news from the Dr's. At night time I pray for the power of God's perfect peace to surround you, and fill your heart & mind that you might have restful and healing sleep. Much love and prayers, Lisa X

Unknown said...

Hi Mari,
Praying that you receive some positive news from the docs and quickly....praying also that you would be able to sleep well at nights...Glad to hear that your dad will be by your side soon! We love you and you are very much in our thoughts and prayers - Huggs, Debbie and Johan - Sweden

sjknowles said...

Hi Mari
Great to hear that the op went well and you're out of hospital. Trust you manage to get some decent sleep, and that nobody bursts into your room in the middle of the night...!

Lloyd said...

Just spoke to Matt and he told me all about your situation - felt really strange, as if I should do something! Don't know what exactly but just talking to Matt on the phone seemed insufficient. I'm not mental or anything - suppose I just care. Matt convinced me to pray for you - feel a little hypocritical but I'll give it a go. Anyway, I reckon you've still got the constitution of a tank - the only time I've seen you ill is after too many red wines. Apparantly lettuce sandwiches and watching snooker on TV help people sleep, as does listening to whales singing - I understand there's a man in Kaikoura who can interpret dolphin communication???

I've just read over my message and it sounds like the ramblings of a mad man. I am thinking of you here in Southampton. If I don't get banned from using this blog for the nonsense I've written I will continue to keep track of your recovery and will have some hard evidence on the lettuce front next time x

Love always


Lloyd said...

Just spoke to Matt and he told me all about your situation - felt really strange, as if I should do something! Don't know what exactly but just talking to Matt on the phone seemed insufficient. I'm not mental or anything - suppose I just care. Matt convinced me to pray for you - feel a little hypocritical but I'll give it a go. Anyway, I reckon you've still got the constitution of a tank - the only time I've seen you ill is after too many red wines. Apparantly lettuce sandwiches and watching snooker on TV help people sleep, as does listening to whales singing - I understand there's a man in Kaikoura who can interpret dolphin communication???

I've just read over my message and it sounds like the ramblings of a mad man. I am thinking of you here in Southampton. If I don't get banned from using this blog for the nonsense I've written I will continue to keep track of your recovery and will have some hard evidence on the lettuce front next time x

Love always


lmca said...

Yo Mari

Another one for Tina Perry - ha ha.

Much love. Good rest. Who are all these friends? You're doing good!

melissa-jade gregan said...

Hi friend,
I miss you heaps! Just want to meet up at Frasers or Circus.

In the words of some old singer 'you are always on my mind'. Think about you first thing, all day, and last thing at night. Love you heaps and heaps! So glad your dad arrives this weekend - for your sake and your mums! That will be lovely for you all, to be united.
Praying for you, Phil and your amazing whanau. Getting anyone who has even just heard of you to pray for you! 'yeah, my really hot bridesmaid' seems to ring a bell with most people!! Cant tell you how much i love you Mari - praying for better times and strength and sleep.

all our love,
melissa, mark and ronaldo xxxx

tina. said...

HI friend!!! i've just arrived with Ed and kay... finally... spent last night in Honolulu overnight so glad to finally be here.. i'm sitting here force-feeding myself breakfast and thinking of you...

i love you and miss you heaps!!
ed and kay send their love.

Erin Lucas said...

My first waking thought this morning was of you. I imagined you laying in your bed surrounded by little rainbows... all over you and all over your room. Sounds kind of new agey, but it made me smile.