Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Prayer requests

Mari is flying out with Dave and Rhi on Sunday night and will arrive in Bristol on Monday afternoon. Before she leaves there are some things that need to fall into place. We would appreciate your prayers.

We need to obtain all of the relevent medical reports and samples from the Drs here to take with us for the Drs in Bristol. This will save the procedures having to be repeated in the UK (we still need the results of the final bone marrow test.)

We will need clearance from the airlines to carry these with us as hand luggage.

We need good communication between NZ and the UK to ensure there is no delay in starting chemotherapy. Although the consultant here has made recommendations r.e the course of treatment, the team of specialists in the UK will have to come to their own decision after their discussions. Please pray that there will be no delays.
Timing is crucial and quite complex.

Also, in order for Mari to maintain her residency in New Zealand, she should remain here until 21st April. We fly out on 20th and are hoping that the Immigration Authorities will have grace to allow her residency to stand.

We can't begin to thank you all for the amazing love and support we have experienced each day. We have felt carried by your prayers.
Chemotherapy is a daunting prospect for Mari so please keep praying. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.

Dave, Rhi, Phil and Mari xx


Unknown said...

Dear Days - its absolutely wonderful to hear about the possibility of Mari being able to fly on Sunday. Yes, there are many details that need to work out, we will continue to pray for all the bits and pieces to fall into place. Oh and by the way Mari, congrats on Phil! Praying for a restful and peaceful journey back to the UK for you all. Love you all and continue to pray for God to work everything out perfectly - Bucketfuls of Love, Debbie and Johan

Unknown said...

Good news! Will carry on praying. Will be good to have you guys home again. Ro x

Debs said...

Great news! Its seems like an amazing intricate jigsaw puzzle that all needs to fit into place - I pray the puzzle maker will put it together so tight nothing can fall apart.

Lots of love to you wonderful Days and may you feel immense peace during the last few days in NZ.

Big love, Debs (McAllister) x

PS. Shalome if you're reading this, I agree with you, keep your nonsense to yourself!! xx

Gill and Andrew said...

Great to hear you should be coming back to UK on Sunday. Yes, we will pray all the red tape gets sorted out and you have a relaxing and peaceful flight back.
With love,
Andy and Gill

Anonymous said...

Dearest Mari,

I am praying for you and will continue to do so.
May our amazing Lord grant you all strength, all grace, all mercy. May you know his hand, his embrace, his love and his healing.

Go well, with God's protection, beautiful lady.

you will remain in my heart and prayers until we see each other again.

Much love and blessings

Unknown said...

Dearest Mari, so pleased you have the all clear to travel back to the UK. I will pray for all the specifics you need. May each request you make be met with with kindness, care, compassion and understanding. Amen! Sending you all my love, Lisa XX

Rachel F said...

Hi Mari, Dave & Rhi
It's been so good to read some better news this week, and great to hear that you'll all soon be on your way home. I'm praying for good communication between the medical teams in NZ and here, and for your journey home. Hope the appointment on Thursday goes ok too.
Much love
Rachel xx

Jess said...

To wonderful Mari,
I'm so pleased you're coming home it will be fantastic to see you again and everyone is missing you so much. You're all in my thoughts and prayers, and I'm sending you all the good luck vibes I can for your journey home. I look forward to seeing you very soon.
All the love in the world
Jess xxx

Anonymous said...

hey Mari . . . . would love to see you once you're a little settled back in the motherland . . perhaps summer and I could come visit and I could sing for you, like the old kingsland days . . . On Christ the Solid Rock, In Christ Alone . . you know, all the old favourites!!

All my Love & prayers,

jodie x

tina. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tina. said...

i found this poem for you.. it inspires me, just like you do:
Justice Is...
Justice is what blacks need
Justice is what children in Africa need
Justice is what farmers need
Justice is what soldiers in Iraq need
Justice is what every American should have
Justice is what every human in the world should have.
-by Carissa
Oh, carissa, you are so wise...
I hope it cheers u up!!.. you could take it to read on the plane.

Chris and John Lucas said...

Bye for now from these green shores Mari and Dave and Rhi.I will be praying for you all the time you are away. I love you Mari.The Lord is your strength and a very present help in time of need, he is your strong tower to lean on. You are an amazing woman of God and a huge encouragement to so many.
Chris and Johnnny L.

Angharad Marsh said...

Safe journey to you all. Love xxx

Tina said...

Hi Mari,and the Days,
Will be praying for your safe return, and that all you need to happen, happens very quickly so you won't be hanging around to long.If there is anything you need when back home night or day don't hesitate to ask.
Oceans of love
Tina Perry

Den&June said...

Great news that you are able to travel home. Will pray that everything goes smoothly and all goes well with your flight and that you will all be able to relax and sleep on the journey home. You are constantly in our thoughts. Love June and Den

fostermum said...

Hi Mari,

I pray that your flight back home is one in comfort and that all goes well once you are there.

All the very best with your upcoming treatment. Stay strong and positive.

With love from

Anonymous said...

Hi Mari,

Though you don't know us, we know Dave & Rhi and feel we are getting to know you very quickly through your blog!
Just wanted you to know that we continue to pray for you (and all the Days) daily. We will be praying for all the journey details over the next few days and for a safe and uneventful flight back home.
With love and blessings from Keith and Mandy

Linda Wilson said...

Hi everyone

just catching up having been away for a few days... so pleased to hear that Dave, Rhi and Mari should be flying back Sunday night - will be praying that everything will fall into place.

much love, Linda

melissa-jade gregan said...

Hello darling Mari,

I too will be praying for all to work out - I like what Debs said here about praying the puzzle maker will put it all together. Although I am so sad to see you depart again so quickly, I am happy that this means you will be home for treatment sooner rather than later.
We love you heaps Mari and I am going to miss you like crazy! Sorry Day family - Be prepared for out of hours phonecalls as i try to work out the international calling problem! I will definately be praying for a speedy recovery so we can have you back here soon...
Aroha Nui nui nui!
Melissa xxxxx

lmca said...

Great news!
(Hmmm, who do I sound like now? Clue - see above) Be lovely to have you back where we can subject you to the delights of an English summer - bring your jumpers. I think I may have to stop the Tina Perry chasing then, but we'll see.
lots of love to you
Lesley & Mike

Anonymous said...

yeah cant wait that u will be back mari xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

sending u heaps of love - hope the flight is bearable xxxxxxxxxxx

much love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx from megan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Dear Mari, Rhi and Dave
So pleased you can come home. Hope the flight and arrangements are smooth as silk. Much love, Julia

Rebecca Day said...

I have been reading your blog daily and praying for all of you, wich we could of seen you before you leave but Raphael is ill alot so wouldnt be good for you.
I have made a special batch of pure Anointing oil which I will post to UK.
God Bless
Love Rebecca & Raphael,
My mum & Bruce send heaps of love and blessing to you all